Games and sex go together like peanut butter and jelly, and if you don’t believe me all you have to do is walk through a Spencers or Hot Topic at your local mall for proof. There’s just something about bringing competition into the bedroom that ups the level of excitement and eagerness we already have […]
It’s February and the countdown to Valentine’s Day has begun. While things will be slightly different with the virus present, but you can still find a way to show your special someone just how much you care. To help you with planning your special day we’ve put together a guide of products to spice things […]
In life, a little preparation goes a long way, and sex is no different. Sure, sometimes you can just rip off your clothes and go at it, but making time for foreplay can enhance the intensity of your intimate moments. After all, you wouldn’t expect dessert to turn out if you baked a cake without […]
A few months ago, we presented a pornstar version of FMK that found us asking pornstars which Kardashians they would fuck, marry, or kill. FMK returns now with a edition that covers not only celebs but also TV chefs, famous Ryans, View hosts, and more! Among the highlights: Cherie DeVille eagerly choosing Ryan Gosling for the […]
Games of “Never Have I Ever” almost inevitably turn to one topic: sex. BuzzFeed’s video version of the game drops any pretense of considering other subjects and cuts right to the chase by posing sex questions to six pornstars. Armed with flip-signs that say “I Have” on one side and “I Have Not” on the […]
They say that anyone on earth is connected to any other person by a chain of just six “friends of friends.” This intriguing little fact inspired the famous parlor game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” which challenges players to connect two actors through six or fewer co-starring performances. We think it’s high time porn had […]