The Adult Clips Database Is Now Fully Searchable!

A million is a big number, but at Adult Empire, big is exactly how we like it. That’s why our new clips database features 1.2 million options . . .and counting. If you watched one clip per day, it would take you more than 3,000 years to work your way through every clip on Adult Empire. If you’re currently 30 years old and live to 100, you could watch several dozen clips every day for the rest of your life and never see the same one twice. That porn thing? Yeah, that’s sorted.

Speaking of sorting, you may be wondering how best to navigate this veritable ocean of porn goodness. If you’ve been browsing the clips database, you’ve probably already made extensive use of the sorting options and tags. We’re now pleased to introduce a comprehensive search feature!

To search within the clips database, select “clips” from the dropdown search menu at the top of all pages. (This search field will default to clips when you visit the Adult Empire clips section.) You can further enhance the ensuing results by using the detailed refine options on the left.


Clips search also features autocomplete results in the search bar for popular scene attributes. This can help you quickly discover specific combinations within your desired search. You never know what you might find! Perhaps you didn’t know you wanted to see some dazzling “lesbian strap-on sucking,” but the dirty mind of our awesome autocomplete may soon create just such an urge.

What are you waiting for? A million porn clips are one simple, streamlined search away.

Start searching here!

To learn more about the new porn clips database (which also includes all individual scenes from full-length movies on Adult Empire), check out our prior blog post:


Introducing the Adult Clips Database

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