Introducing the Adult Clips Database

There was a time when a porn movie was exactly that: a full-length feature. You bought your ticket for Deep Throat, entered a darkened theater, and watched a two-hour feature that depicted explicit sex as part of its narrative. When home video arrived, technology and market incentives shifted such that individual segments from adult movies could be edited into compilations or standalone mini-movies. Later, as the internet developed into the dominant pathway to porno pleasure, the one-off sequences became a standard format. Cam performers and indie porn producers also leaned into the idea of à la carte sex segments.

The overall result is that, more often than not, a consumer casually browsing for porn entertainment will be selecting an individual sex scene rather than a long feature. Purchase of single porn clips/scenes has been a feature on Adult Empire since 2015, but we’re now pleased to introduce a comprehensive new sortable page encompassing every such segment we offer. It’s never been easier to browse for exactly what you want!

Watch over 1.2 million porn clips and scenes

On AE, a clip is a single, complete sex sequence, varying in content or format, but generally containing foreplay, penetrative sex, and cumshot. The porn clips database also encompasses porn scenes (sex sequences from feature-length movies). It’s that simple!

It’s important to remember that on Adult Empire, the term “clip” does not connote an abbreviated or incomplete experience. You will not find frustratingly edited scenes that lop off portions of the sex or stop short of the climactic popshot. On AE, you get the full sequence, just as it was originally produced. “Clip” also does not necessarily equate to “short.” While adult clips typically include only one sex sequence, they can range in length from a few minutes to well over an hour. (In porn terms, an orgy is still generally considered only one single sex scene, even though its action often contains enough stimulation for 10 conventional sex sequences.)

Here are some of the main content types you’ll find in the clips database:

Standalone segments from studios and performers

One-off sex or solo scenes from top performers and popular studios. Porn fans will no doubt recognize the names of some of the most famous clips brands: Jodi West Clips, Kink Clips, Filthy Kings Clips. These are à la carte sex sequences that have been packaged and promoted as single, fully self-contained entities, not as scenes in a larger movie.


Individual segments from full-length all-sex, vignette, and gonzo porn movies

Many modern porn movies include four otherwise unrelated segments that are joined by a common theme. In the AE Clips listing, you’ll discover these scenes as discrete entities. So, for example, a movie like Asian Infatuation 2, which contains four sex scenes in its full DVD and VOD form, is discoverable (and purchasable) in the clips database as four separate segments.

Individual segments from full-length porn features

Plot-oriented movies benefit from a full front-to-back viewing, but sometimes you just want to cut to the chase. Perhaps you’d like to sample the climactic orgy in a Dorcel flick without first watching the plot that builds up to it. The clips database includes these sequences, too: complete sex scenes pulled from full-length adult features.

On the clips database page, use the highly detailed refine options on the left side to discover the types of clips you want to watch.

You can also continue to browse and purchase porn scenes on individual movie item pages, just as before.

Check out the adult clips database here!

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