Angela White pornstar

‘Angela White: Acting in Porn’ (VIDEO)

Angela White has one of the most impressive skill sets of any contemporary pornstar. However, she wanted to enhance her talents when it came to traditional acting, so she made use of an acting coach for some of her biggest recent movies. In this clip from our 2019 interview with White, she discusses the challenges of porn acting.


Angela White: My acting coach for Drive went over the script with me. We did script readings. We talked about who my character was, what my character would be feeling in that moment, how I could or should deliver certain lines. We practiced delivering lines in different ways just to see what would resonate more or what felt more natural. I had to work on stillness, because I’m very animated, and I love to talk with my hands. And you’ll see in certain parts of this interview I’ll start — when I get I excited, I just love to move. So working on stillness is a big thing that I have to work on, which is something that I did for both movies [Drive and Perspective]. But yeah, just making me a better actor. Honestly, it’s more about reacting than acting. Really being in the scene and the moment, knowing your lines, and even knowing your co-star’s lines. And just memorizing them so much that you don’t need to think, “Oh, what’s my line?” You just know it and so then you can be in the moment.

Dallas: Right, now in terms of the stillness, did that require some mindfulness technique, or how did you get to that place?”

Angela: Yeah, mindfulness, breathing, just being aware. Yeah, I also had a different acting coach for each movie, and my acting coach for Perspective actually had to tell me all the time to relax my face because I’m very expressive with my face. I’m always raising my eyebrows or moving my mouth, and she said that because my eyes were so big, often it looked a little comical because my eyes would open large. It was just a natural thing that I do, but for the character I needed to try and relax my face. It was a challenge.

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