Can A Single Musical Note Make A Woman Climax?
Remember the scene in Howard Stern’s Private Parts where the radio shock jock brings a woman to orgasm using a speaker’s subwoofer? That ridiculous, entertaining sequence can hardly be regarded as anything close to documentary fact, but it does illustrate the intriguing connection between sonic stimulation and sex. Broadly recently investigated whether there is indeed a magical, mystical musical note that can bring a woman instantly to orgasm.
So, does it exist? Well, the short answer is . . . maybe. In a broad-ranging inquiry, Broadly’s Sirin Kale discovered a lot of rumors and innuendo but little in the way of cold, hard facts. When she asked musicians whether they’d experienced sexual pleasure by standing near speakers, their answers were vague and noncommittal. “Look, there have been a handful of times when I’ve been sitting on guitar amps or speakers as vibrations have reverberated up through my body and I’ve thought, ‘Mm, that’s nice. Yeah. Ooh.’ But it only happened once,” said one former band member.
A researcher Kale spoke to suggested that the power of the imagination may be more potent than any actual sonic effects of music and bass. “My research shows that people are good at using their cognitive fantasies to get themselves to orgasm,” said neuroscientist Nikky Prause. “Tell people that this is the orgasm note, and the power of suggestion can be powerful.”
Kale’s search also brought her to a more promising lead — Craig Huxley’s Blaster Beam, an unusual musical instrument that supposedly caused several NYC concert-goers to spontaneously orgasm in 1990. (The Blaster Beam emits an almost industrial-style sound like the one you hear when you pluck on a very tightly wired spring. It has been memorably used by Jerry Goldsmith in science fiction movies to evoke the mystery of the unknown, an amusingly appropriate parallel to the enigmas of the female orgasm.) Though the concert story seems to have “urban legend” written all over it, Huxley told Kale that it did indeed happen: “Oh, it’s so true. I’ve had many women thank me for it.” He attributes the magical effect of the Blaster to chakras, saying, “The Blaster Beam stimulates the sacral chakra, which is about two inches below the naval. And it also stimulates the root chakra, at the bottom of the spine. It’s about an octave and a half below the lowest note on the piano… The very lowest note.”
Like Prause, Huxley also thinks that the power of suggestion might play a role. “I don’t know what part of it is wishful thinking, or having fun with the music,” he said. “But when I’ve played in the studio also, and I’ve been using rolling sounds—pitches and tremolos—people have described going into an orgasmic state, without the inconvenience of having sex!”
Music and sex have plenty of connections to begin with. Rock ‘n’ roll has always been thought to be a musical representation of sex, right down to Elvis’s swinging hips. The excited feeling of goosebumps a person receives during the most thrilling passages of a song is popularly referred to as a “skin orgasm.” A popular website asks visitors to say whether they think the face they see is the result of “cumming or drumming” (the faces are often surprisingly similar). But a musical note that causes instant orgasm? Well, the search continues!
Read the full article here.