The Not So Secret History of Porn

Author Ross Benes recently wrote a book called The Sex Effect, which is basically all about sex! He wrote an article for Business Insider about the things he was surprised to learn about while writing this book, the topic of which is about how the porn industry has always driven technology, at least for the past 40 years or so, and the public has readily accepted these technologies without a second thought! According to Mr. Benes, most media technologies that we use today, and some that are already obsolete, were developed for use in porno. Thinking of it all will send off lightbulbs in your head. VCRs and video tapes were certainly adopted for porn. In fact, the reason why VHS won over beta max was because it was the preferred format of pornographers. In addition, video streaming and even the idea of an online affiliate program were popularized by adult producers, and now affiliate marketing is a huge branch of mainstream marketing as well as adult.

As Ross writes, “The military may have created the internet…it would not have found a solid base without porn.” To this day, according to Benes, porn still drives technological innovation. Do you think that virtual reality and 360 degree video would be taking off the way it is if people couldn’t watch VR porn movies that put porn fans right in the lap of their favorite stars? Webcamming technology has helped live streaming technology to improve very quickly as well. People in the porn industry are quite innovative. How people are using the internet for porn is always changing, and porn industry execs are always willing to change with them. That’s why we offer video on demand, DVDs, sex toys and even rentals of the sexy DVDs that you want to watch.

Featured image: Gabriel Petry/Unsplash

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