Celebrities & Scandals

Golly, That Didn’t Take Long

Just 16 days after turning the big 18, Kendall Jenner shared her nipples with the world via her Twitter and Instagram accounts.  In both color and black & white versions of the photo, Jenner is seen wearing a sheer black top.  May not be anything too alarming in the grand scheme of things, but kind of hard to imagine being a high school senior circulating such a photo to seven million of your closest social media followers.

As reported by TMZ, sources close to father Bruce Jenner stated that he 100% backs his daughter’s decision to expose her nipples.  As far as he’s concerned, she’s a fashion model … and that’s what fashion models do.  Half-sister Khloe Kardashion Odom expressed similar support via Twitter.

As previously reported on this blog, Kendall Jenner was offered several adult film contracts upon her 18th birthday.  Not sure if that’s really what is next for the model, but half-sister Kim Kardashian didn’t fare too poorly when she dabbled in the industry, by choice or not.

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